Avec Ligeo SL la société GIP Innovation Tools et le concepteur Dietmar Dix créent un système d'éclairage modulable aux lignes épurées permettant une interaction inédite entre la lumière et l'espace.

"LIGEO SL make your vision a reality. Usually it is not the vision that is the challenge, but it's the execution that creates the difficulty. LIGEO SL is created to minimize the difference between vision and reality" Ligeo SL


Ligeo SL permet aux utilisateurs de créer leurs propres effets d'éclairage et structures lumineuses bidimensionnelles ou tridimensionnelles, en branchant simplement des modules tubulaires de lumière LED. Assemblés les uns aux autres, ils offrent une infinité de possibilités et d'usages, architectural, pratique ou esthétique.


MUUUZ In a few words, what did you want to create by imagining Ligeo SL ?
Ligeo is an exciting marriage of design and engineering. The practical technology lets users create their own light installations with the simple act of connecting tubes. Because you can expand or modify your creations at any time, there's no limit to how creative you can get.

Dietmar Dix We found there was very little in between when it comes to the lighting industry. There's decorative lighting that you'll see in homes, which can be beautiful, but has such low quality light. Then, there's high quality lighting for industrial and workplace use, which works well, but doesn't excite or inspire. In both of these cases, there is no emphasis on the design of the lighting itself. That's why Ligeo was born.

MUUUZ Ligeo SL allows to stage the light in two or even three dimensions and to reach a high level of interaction between space and light. Could you please mention the main projects and events involving Ligeo SL ?

D. D.. We started presenting Ligeo in October 2015 on the ArtFair in CologneThen we were invited to the Fashion Week 2016 Berlin. Right now we install Ligeo RGBW in a famous club in Cologne, we equipped several fair stands in Stockholm, Madrid and Tel Aviv. Our installations can be found in event halls in Siegen and we started to plan a very big installation for a shopping mall in Moscow and China. Many other projects are installed in shops, private homes and official buildings. Within six months we have got worldwide attention and positive response to Ligeo. We are very honored to be a winner of MIAW Award 2016.

MUUUZ Ligeo SL appears to be such a versatile system. Which sectors does it target ?

D. D. As mentioned before, Ligeo offers the possibility to expand or modify your light installations at any time. Without great effort and in just a few simple steps you can create a new design in each sector. That's why there are no restrictions or limits. Ligeo does not solely target particular sectors.

MUUUZ What would be the perfect place to install Ligeo SL ?

D. D. Ligeo is as bright as your ideas. So every place could be the perfect place. You can use it for quality light and cool design in workspaces as well as for an aesthetically pleasing luster in a restaurant or hotel lobby, eyecatching crystal creations for fashion shows and exhibitions, flat designs on a wall or ceiling and also 3-dimensional objects as artistic expression. At home,in offices, in shops, there is an endless number of perfect places. 

Ligeo SL est lauréat des MIAW 2016 dans la catégorie Eclairage / Eclairage modulable

Pour plus d'informations consultez le site de GIP Innovation Tools.


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