Imaginée par MDT et Grimshaw Architects, la canopée Tensilation offre une protection solaire de haute qualité alliant résistance et modularité.


Les différents modules prennent la forme de carrés et de diamants pouvant être utilisés de façon indépendante ou combinée, offrant les avantages d'une canopée modulable et la solidité d'une structure unifiée, particulièrement résistante au vent et au temps.

"As the size of the cover grows,its structural capacity increases, yet the product is super lightweight and easy to install. The vaulted form provides an expressive structure for events, pop-up spaces, and waterproof walkways or as a permanent outdoor fixture." MDT-Tex

Facile d'utilisation, la canopée Tensilation peut être montée par trois personnes seulement, ce qui en fait un système adapté à tout type d’événements et de cérémonies, offrant une infinité de combinaisons et de possibilités.




MUUUZ The Type EV Tensilation system could be used separately or in combination. What are its main advantages and applications ?

Enlai Hooi Tensilation (Type EV) is designed specifically to be used in clusters. The special property of being able to share structure between units is only possible if there are multiple units or if the canopies are attached to another stable object such as a building facade or marquee frame. All 3 options are possible, and allow tensilation to be the lightest, tallest and most wind resistant structure in its class. Tensilation can be set up quickly (as fast as 1 square meter per minute by three people, without the use of lifting equiptment or power tools) and requires little time to fold down. Special fabric connectors close the gaps between the canopies. This means that venue operators can quickly extend their space to the exterior and event companies can use a more flexible and attractive canopy outdoors. Tensilation comes in 3 shapes that produce 9 different tiling patterns. Combinations of these patterns are endless, and allow the system to handle complex terrains.

MUUUZ MDT-Tex introduces Type EV Tensilation as a very strong system, especially wind resistant. Would you explain the different technologies used in this regard ?

E. H. Perhaps its best to explain the structural innovations in two parts. The individual canopy unit, unlike an umbrella, uses a balance of cables and fabric to create a stiff perimiter (much like a bycicle wheel) when the canopy is open. This is a departure from large-format parasols that which use mechanical arms and much more material to create stability. Once a canopy is erect, it is structurally connected to its neighbours using special nodes that transfer the forces from one canopy to the next. This means that the canopy is no longer a vertical cantilever, but instead a 3D portal frame network. If you push on one canopy, it is resisted by all of the canopies in unison. Each mast becomes a leg in a combined structure. This is much like comparing a hat-stand to a dining room table.

MUUUZ The Type EV Tensilation system features a surprising design available in different colors. What have you gained through the collaboration with Grimshaw Architects ?

E. H. There is no part of Tensilation that was not designed and prototyped hand-inhand with the industrial design and parametric design teams at Grimshaw. The product developed through a series of hands-on workshops that one might describe as 'design hackathons' in which teams from Grimshaw would spend the entire weekend from early in the morning until late at night, working with MDT in the offices and factory floor. The combined group would not only design, but also fabricate parts to be assembled and tested live. Each one of 5 workshops generated new breakthroughs in the design, and the process created a great degree of trust and respect between the two companies.

MUUUZ Where would you like to settle the Type EV Tensilation system ?

E. H. On Mars.


Le système Tensilation (Type EV) est lauréat des MIAW 2016 dans la catégorie Outdoor / Protection solaire.

Pour plus d'informations consultez le site de MDT-Tex.


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