Spécialiste de la surface compacte frittée, The Size pésente La Bohème, une collection de revêtements composites inspirée du tronc du cèdre libanais.

La collection La Bohème reproduit fidèlement le bois, ses noeuds et ses lignes, aussi bien à la vue qu'au toucher, par la texture réelle obtenue grâce à la technologie NDD Neolith Digital Design (Design Numérique Neolith).


Les produits Neolith sont disponibles en format carreaux ainsi qu'en deux grands formats de dalles pour des espaces uniformes et continus et une facilité d'utilisation. Particulièrement fine et résistante, les dalles Neolith s'adapte à tout type d'utilisation : ameublement, planchers, revêtement mural ou encore plans de travail.




MUUUZ With Neolith®, TheSize is specialized in the manufacture of Sintered Compact Surface. Could you explain the main characteristics of this material?

Mar Esteve Cortés Neolith® is a new material category created to offer specifiers a design-led and innovative alternative to natural materials such as marbles, metals or woods. Neolith is fabricated through the sinterization technology; this innovative process exposes minerals and raw materials to extremely high pressures and temperatures, to create a slab that accurately mimics natural materials, while possessing exceptional characteristics. With a porosity of less than 0.08 percent, Neolith is impervious to absorption, making it not only a hygienic product resistant to bacteria that could cause disease and trigger allergies, but also resistant to water damage.Neolith® offers outstanding properties in terms of compaction, resistance and durability. Resistant to scratches, impacts, abrasion, frost, high temperatures, and UV-exposure, it is ideal for both interiors and exteriors. Made of clays, feldspar, silica and natural mineral oxides, Neolith® will not emit toxic fumes into the environment when exposed to fire or extremely high temperatures. It is also 100% natural as well as being made up of up to 52% recycled content.


MUUUZ The Neolith® La Bohème reproduces the wood in a very realistic way to the eye and touch. Could you tell us more about the NDD Neolith® Digital Design technology that allow such results?


M. E. C. Exclusive to TheSize, NDD (Neolith® Digital Design) technology creates Sintered Compact Surfaces that mirror nature in its most realistic form. La Bohème, from the Neolith® Timber range, stands out by its authentic reproduction of a natural wooden trunk. Inspired by the stem of a Lebanese Cedar, the combination of knots and veins, offers a startlingly realistic Sintered Compact Surface. To bring the design closer to nature, both in appearance and texture, the slab goes through an embossing process that gives the surface its 3D appearance; emphasising the authenticity of Neolith® La Bohème and bringing it to life.


MUUUZ What kind of applications is the Neolith® La Bohème intended to?


M. E. C.  Kitchen & Bathroom worktops, flooring and wall cladding, as well as furniture – Neolith® La Bohème is the first wood décor manufactured in 12mm thickness, ideal for worktop applications and kitchen islands. The model is also available in 6mm for interior and exterior flooring, wall cladding, and furniture. Neolith® La Bohème helps create out-of-the-box design projects where applications such as shower or swimming pool tiling are not only imaginable but also achievable, providing architects and designers with a surfacing solution that is more durable and resistant than real wood.


La collection Neolith La Bohème est lauréate des MIAW 2016 dans la catégorie Matériaux / Pierre et composites.

Pour en savoir plus consultez le site de The Size


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