A mi chemin entre l’art et le design, le studio de création madrilène Dsignio nous présente "Collage Collection", un système d’étagères qui se compose de blocs de différents formats et différentes finitions qui s’enchevêtrent pour créer une composition aussi étonnante qu’élégante.

S’inspirant du cubisme, ce projet mise avant tout sur la simplicité géométrique, en supprimant tout superflu pour obtenir des formes essentielles et pures. En créant une multitude de caissons, les designers permettent à l’utilisateur de personnaliser la création selon leurs usages et besoins. Les blocs géométriques s’enchevêtrent et se chevauchent dans ce projet à la frontière entre l’art et le design, à la complexité simple.

Sur ce projet, le studio Dsignio précise :

"The Collage Collection has much to do with the artistic movements that emerged at the beginning of S XX. It is a time when art breaks with everything and appear some movements which trigger a real cultural revolution.

The collection is based on Suprematism that arose from Malevich`s works as well as in some aspects of cubism and Neoplasticism. This movement promoted the geometric simplicity, removing all superfluous and getting very simple and forceful shapes.

The result Dsignio looked for was to create the visual illusion that these wooden blocks, these geometric shapes, were cut and overlapped each other. To do this they generated several modules to get many different compositions to cover needs for most of the users.

Gradually Back to 1907 and Dsignio realized the great strength which this collection had and they could design more elements to accompany it, to complete the collection without removing the protagonism of the compositions. In this way new objects were born such as a table and dining chair, a sofa with its armchair an ottoman that can work independently or as a chaise longe, sideboards, coffee tables, even carpets.

It is so based on the art that we can say that the final result is halfway between art and design. It is not a sculpture, it is an object resembling a sculpture, a complex collection based on simplicity."

Pour en savoir plus, visitez le site du studio Dsignio et celui du fabricant Back To 1907.  


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